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Saturday, April 10, 2010

The BBQ Pork Bun Off

Every time I make my way through Chinatown here in Chicago, I try and grab a BBQ pork bun. There are so many places where they can be found at any number of bakeries, both along Chinatown Square and Chinatown on Wentworth. The last few times I've been given a BBQ pork bun by my girlfriend after she's visited, I've instictively asked, "Which bakery did you buy this at?"

Funny thing is, she doesn't always remember. And even when she does, I don't really remember if that place is specifically good or not.

So I've decided to start a comprehensive list and rating system.

And so, let the "BBQ Pork Bun Off" . . . BEGIN!

The rest of this post has been moved to its new official home on the RedEye Royalty page!


Unknown said...

Would like to read your reviews on the BBQ Pork Bun quest but cannot find your blog on the link to Redeye you have posted. I have been doing a similar comparison for several years now and would like to compare your results with mine. Can you repost to your blog or include a link that works? Thanks!!

Unknown said...

I'd like to read your reviews on the BBQ Pork Bun quest you wrote about but the link you included to Redeye did not bring me to your article. I've been conducting the same BBQ Pork Bun comparison for the past few years myself and would live to compare my findings with yours. Can you repost to your blog or include a link that works? Thanks!